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Re: "Brave New World"

Yeah .... I'm with you guys on the new business model theory ...... back 
the village .... small bands of travelling bards hailing their arrival 
online to a virtual audience of affluent young music lovers who (thanks to 
the internet) have sopped up the sweet, sweet honey of a thousand musical 
styles and are equipped to enjoy the new fusions choices offered by, sayyy 
... loopers and other musical weirdos.....

maybe the illness is making me delusional and a bit euphoric......

I Heard this on NPR .. then read about it on Wikipedia ....
The first debut of the "The Rite of Spring" by Stravinsky caused the 
audience to run screaming from the theatre and spilling out to riot in the 
streets.  It was just too dissonant for the audience to endur ....

Years later, after the second performance of the same piece (second time 
Paris anyway), Stravinsky was carried from the theatre by the audience and 
hailed as a genius.

Moral is: it's always good for the audience to know approximately what 
are getting themselves into ...

so full circle now ..... yayyyyy internet ......

ok ... time for the NyQuil ...

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