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atmosphere...all go insane

   I think part of what's happening is ,the world is so noisy,and getting 
noisier all the time,that people tend to screen out  much or most of the 
audio (and other bandwidths for that matter) in their perceptual 
of the time. A number times  I've seen emergency vehicles w/ sirens 
,stuck in traffic,being ignored .And not just in cities.
  So advertising ,and I consider pop music advertising, gets louder more 
your face harder to ignore. another thing that happens ,I think people 
need audio stimulation  to counterbalance all the stimulus screening of 
daliy life,so they tend to take it in concentrated doses in forms that are 
identified as hedonistic..
  Marshall McLuhan said that each generation grow's up in an environment 
formed,and informed by newer technologies than their parents grew uo 
the frequencies and dynamics are different,experientially it's a different 
world.Each generations's music/dance /fashion is a tool for it to learn 
to move in this new world ,o learn it's rhythms and dynamics.

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