>>I need a pan/balance thing to put in my signal chain in Live in front of
Mobius. It should be a stereo in/stereo out VST and do the following:
It should be basically a dual mono in/stereo out thing with pan functions in
each input and one dial controlling them. If the dial is centered, the pan
settings should be left for the left input and right for the right input. If
you turn the dial to the left, the right channel's pan setting should be
turned to the left, if you turn the dial to the right, the left channel's
pan setting should be turned to the right.
And perhaps different settings for level compensation.<<
I have a set of vst plug-ins that I use within vegas 5 to achieve stereo spread & mono>stereo conversion; they also have level & balance controls & a nice goniometer display. I had to pay a few bucks for them, but it was worth it.... they are from PSP: