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Lurkist as shameless pitchman..............

Happy May Day! Just a note to let everyone on the list know about my new webpages and podcast series. The first 3 episodes are up, they cover roughly 1979-1985. Each show is about 30 minutes long and features about 20 minutes of music per, from my collected recordings of the last 28 years. Loop or delay work is almost always part of the landscape (tape,EH-16,JamMan,EDP) and it increases as the years go by. I'm planning on making it a 24 part series covering all my solo and group work to date. I welcome any and all feedback(off-list) from those who give it a listen. It's free and worth every penny, in my biased opinion. Please check out the blog below for info and links to the above mentioned and more. Thanks for your time and interest, keep on looping.
                                                                           bryan helm
Music and Mosaics