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Re: OT: amp - long cable - speaker = hum/noise?

One more possibility (and a frequent culprit) is noise induced via a ground loop. The troubleshooting is similar - eliminate sources one by one until the noise goes away. Solution generally may consist of powering all devices from a single AC source e.g. a stip or regulator (but it tends to be more complex than that). Alternate solutions may be found by taking the most likely culprit (the one last removed when the hum went away) and use a box like this inserted into the signal chain (between source and amp) to interrupt the ground loop.


PS the amp-to-speaker cabling is pretty much the least likely source of the hum... ;-)

On 5/1/07, kkissinger@kevinkissinger.com <kkissinger@kevinkissinger.com > wrote:
Quoting kkissinger@kevinkissinger.com :

> For starters, if the amp has a headphone jack have your friend listen
> through the headphones.  Is the hum present in the headphones?  Also,
> have him disconnect the speakers.  Is the hum still in the headphones?
> If the hum is still present in the headphones, then the speaker cables
> are not the source of the hum.

I forgot to mention, turn off your amp before connecting or
disconnecting the speakers.

-- Kevin

Nic Roozeboom
