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Re: busking

busking rarely cathces my interest...
by the way prefered busking instrument in germany =

--- kkissinger@kevinkissinger.com wrote:

> Quoting samba - <sambacomet@hotmail.com>:
> > Just cause somone is a virtuoso instrumentalist
> doesn't mean
> > they know how to busk.
> ... or even can hold down a job.  I know of many
> highly trained  
> classical organists who are unable to hold down
> steady church jobs  
> because they are insensitive to the desires of their
> church-employers.
> > Classical repertoire requires steady attention
> > and not distractions.Not apporpriate to the venue
> when busking.
> This is true just about anywhere.  Classical music,
> particularly the  
> works of Johann Sebastian Bach, are demanding works
> for both  
> performers AND listeners.  Bach's music possesses
> what I call an  
> "intrusion factor" -- except for the most cerebral
> music (such as "The  
> Musical Offering") most of it is too strident to
> have in the  
> background.  Although Bach's music is recognised in
> many circles as  
> the epitome of church music, if I played a Bach
> Fugue as a prelude in  
> my church I would be tarred and feathered.
> People have expectations.  In some churches, people
> may expect to hear  
> major works before church.  In others, people want
> to socialize. At  
> still others (like the church I play at), people
> want it quiet.
> > What is
> > appropriate is stuff that is very rhythmic,can be
> enjoyed while not a t
> > center of attention,is dynamic enough to grab
> attaention,etc.
> Worded a different way -- the music doesn't demand
> attention yet, for  
> those that choose to pay attention, there is
> something there worth  
> listening to.  Most musicians and many great
> composers worked under  
> constraints.  Indeed, it is possible to create
> create music while  
> working under severe constraints.
> > I highly
> > reccomend busking for anyone who hasn't done it.
> It's a great way to
> > learn about musical communication.
> I think it would be fun.  Playing the pipe organ
> doesn't lend itself  
> to busking.  With electronic instruments
> (synthesizer, theremin) there  
> would be logistical issues with moving the equipment
> and finding an  
> a/c power source.
> A friend of mine went out in Manhatten one day with
> a small (battery  
> powered) Theremin and amplifier.  He reported that
> crowds gathered  
> when he played Beatles songs and scattered as soon
> as he played  
> something classical.  His solution was simple...
> when no one was  
> around, he played classical to entertain himself and
> as soon as people  
> were within earshot he played tunes with which
> people were familiar.
> Another point, well-taken, is that people were on
> their commutes to  
> work and most of them probably were running on tight
> schedules.  To do  
> this experiment in a park or a district where street
> performers are  
> part of the draw might have yielded a different
> result.
> -- Kevin


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