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Re: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V07 #285

Title: Re: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V07 #285
Coming out of Lurk Land.... Hi everyone, my name is Ariane, I am a bass player and educator, have been lurking here for a while and thoroughly enjoy your discussions, gear expertise and sound samples. Some very creative stuff and you have opened up a whole new soundscape to my ears.  I also got myself the Schaefer book as a recommendation from here somewhere.

As a bassist looping aint really on the top priority list of things when you are out there gigging, but I have lately gotten into solo bass and there you have it – the bug’s got me. I guess the Looperlative will end up on some wishlist soon! But I aint nowhere there yet. For about the last month I have been totally nuts over my RC20XL. I also have the GT 6B, but find it very limited in terms of looping capabilities.

I have a very very basic issue with the looping thing – the timing of the foot hit. I am using quantize , but more often than not things don’t line up because it’s either an odd phrase (36 beats, so I have to program a 9/4) or my foot is lagging or what have you. Some of what I play is harmonics, so it might not pick it up right... I practice with a metronome (or the guide tone), but it’s still not as accurate as I’d want it and it’s mainly the foot movement, as my time is generally very solid... any tipps on how to practice the right foot technique? Any other tipps for a beginner looper?

Thanks much,
and nice to meet you all,

PS: befriend me:

From: <Loopers-Delight-d-request@loopers-delight.com>
Reply-To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Date: Wed,  2 May 2007 00:56:22 +0000 (UTC)
To: <Loopers-Delight-d@loopers-delight.com>
Subject: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V07 #285