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Re: Nels Cline, guitarist occasionally looping

I just produced an new album with Nels Cline and GE Stinson. Its a duet album that is primarily  looping. Its really cool. Very ugly and beautiful at the same time. Not sure when it will get released yet. Pro Sound News has a little write up about it:

Ronan Chris Murphy

www.venetowest.com (Production & mixing: King Crimson, Chucho Valdes, Steve Morse, Terry Bozzio, CGT...)

www.homerecordingbootcamp.com (Workshops around the world teaching the art and craft of recording )


On May 2, 2007, at 2:13 AM, Per Boysen wrote:

Hi Loopers,

I have been listening to stuff by Nels Cline lately and really enjoy it! I kind of "missed the train" regarding Wilco, thinking they were " just a country influenced band that mocked up their songs to sound like other already existing songs". How stupid of me - I know better now after listening to two Wilco albums on a row :-))   But the avantgarde stuff Nels is doing on his own, or in different collaborations, is really my bag. Amazing stuff! Anyone been to gigs with him? What's it like? And when Wilco plays live, do they act and stretch out more, musically speaking, compared to the records?

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)
http://tinyurl.com/2kek7h (CC donationware music releases)