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Re: OT: Bjork uses the Reactable on tour

> Can the Reactable be bought?

No.  At this point, it's strictly DIY.  It's not too bad though - you
need a computer with a camera and some kind of a sound generator that
is compatible.  Then you need some kind of surface and a bunch of
objects to put on that surface.  I think the usual plan is to have a
piece of clear plexiglass with tracing paper on it.  You print out the
fiducials and stick them to the bottom of the objects, and put the
camera under the plexiglass looking up at it.  I've seen videos though
where it looks like someone just pointed the camera down onto a table
and put the fiducial cutouts face up on the table...

The thing that's not available is the cool graphics that get projected
back up onto the table as you manipulate the objects.  It's very nice
to look at, but not necessary to get it working...

> I came accross this yesterday:
> http://www.percussa.com/

Very interesting, but $799 for four cubes?
