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Re: AW: Foot timing, syncing loops with Ableton

At 6:58 PM +0200 5/5/07, Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill wrote:
>Live with its lacking "first loop capability" (you need to set a tempo in
>advance) and the non-existent overdub function needs a dedicated looper - in
>my case it's Mobius. Depending on the actual piece/work, I sync Live to
>Mobius or vice versa. Normally, I never record audio clips in Live, only
>MIDI stuff (and here, I also can overdub and replace as I choose), and do
>all audio looping stuff in Mobius.

I too used Live before. At the 2004 loop festival in Zürich I brought my EDP to pipe in/out on an Ableton Live track - only to get that first loop capability which is so musically important. And I never recorded clips in Live. Since I could afford PC laptop for Momobius I have almost not touched Live (except for teaching purposes).

On 5/5/07, Mech <mech@m3ch.net> wrote:

.  Next, I've
got to figure out how to derive tempo from a Bidule widget, so I can
solve the "first loop" problem and then drive Ableton from Bidule's
MIDI clock.

Assuming I can actually program a nice working package, I'll post
some links to the widgets if anybody else is interested.  FWIW,
there's not much out there in the way of MIDI Looping....

Yes - MIDI looping is inspiring! I'f done it in Logic with the Cycle Record (a basic function since two decades something...) but when playing MIDI instruments (in my case restricted to the EWI only) I still prefer to use Mobius to loop the auido output of the MIDI modul/plugin.

Nice that you mentioned Bidule - IMHO it rocks at the same level as Mobius. I guess you were talking MIDI looping only (?) but for audio looping with Mobius as VST inside Bidule, as the host, you benefit from the built-in Bidule-unique syncing system. I don't know how that works in a technical sense, but fact is I always run Mobius VST plug-in as the sync master and every damn VST effect plug-in does sync perfectly to the tempo set by the FIRST LOOP I catch in Mobius. I think that's nothing but fantastic! Total musical freedom :-)  Today I playd an outdoor gig with Laptop and it worked just fine. Excellent guitar sound from just one laptop, directly lined left/right into the house PA. Will do a second gig tomorrow, also outdoors.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)
http://tinyurl.com/2kek7h (latest music release)