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Re: Boise Experimental Music Festival Streaming Live

Count me in for any possible assistance, as well.

On May 7, 2007, at 7:59 AM, tEd ® kiLLiAn wrote:

> The mention of the "Vortex" was more joke than serious suggestion.

As for the subject of  the "Vortex" here in Oregon, and as a casual  
suggestion, there is also Milo McIver State Park, outside of Estacada
where the famous (or infamous? :-))  and large " Vortex I " festival  
was held in Summer of 1970 that is a big (and strange) part of  
Oregon's history.

Possibly there are still some sympathetic and harmonious  
"vibes"  (and spirits, and...?) still lingering there in the park? :-)
Also, there is certainly enough open area out there to accommodate  
just about anything. Very late August / early Sept would possibly be  
good to do something?

The Vortex I story for the curious:

-Rev. Fever

PS-Does anyone know of any portable solar powered generators that are  
available that would power a small amp and a small amount of gear?
Or, the basic plans on how make something like that?  Possibly wind  
powered, as well? I have had a long, personal interest in having  
something like that.

> On Apr 30, 2007, at 12:53 PM, Dave Trenkel wrote:
>> I'd be down to participate and/or help organize something like  
>> this...