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Re: Racks ?

Hi Stephen

I bought my rack, I think it's a Quik-Lok RS-657, from Turnkey on the 
Charing Cross Road in Central London. Cost about £45. Very sturdy 
construction etc, no complaints. They sell a whole range. Here's a link


You can either order online or go to the store itself.

Good luck !

[XIS Information]

> Hi folks,
> I know there's something in the archive, there must be, but trying to 
> separate 'rack' from 'rack unit' or 'rack kit' is a bit of a pain.
> So!  In the London UK area, where does one find the parts to put 
> a rack for fx units etc?  I'm sure the English call the technology 
> completely different than what I'd expect, but instead of poring through 
> loads of non-relevant messages I thought I'd ask here.
> Thanks in advance,
> Stephen Goodman

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