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Re: New CD Release: Mandolin from Mars

> Kris:
> How are you generating the background ambiances?
> -rabbi
I'll try to explain here. Most all of the really interesting effects are from Reaktor. That program was a HUGE factor in this CD. I can only say great things about Reaktor. That and MAX/MSP are all I really need these days.
Unintelligible Archetypal Babble from the Face - All my voice looped, with high and low pitch and delay; I'm using a few Reaktor ensembles to change the tone and character of my voice, plus a few other VST effects that mangle it, such as Cycling 74 Hipno; I'm talking, laughing like a madman, girgling, clicking, breathing, squeeking, making kissing sounds, humming, etc...all sounds with my voice and processing

Astrophonic Dreams in the Tube - The ambient texture is the recording of a MRI machine, processed with a variety of Reaktor patches; then playing the mandolin over this

Probe Out - Most of the ambience is just the mandolin and messing with the instrument, the strings above and below the bridge, playing with octave, etc...looping all of this...then I use some Reakor ensembles midway through the song,

Trenches - I'm using a VST effect in the begining called Charsiensis, and then I bring in other VST effects ,which I can't rememeber...but the underying ambience texture is Charsiensis, maybe even KTGranulator...I use Reaktor too; the rest is the mandolin and looping, reverse, etc.

Thirst for Ancient Shores - The texture in the beginning is a Reaktor ensemble, looped...

Reanimation - Live recording; I'm just looping the mandolin and dropping it a few octaves; then I'm using some Reaktor ensemles and a few of my MAX/MSP octave and ring mod pathces

Cthulhu On Mars - Electric guitar; just looping my fingernail scraping my string with a lot of reverb, pitch, and delay; then I start looping ambient textures, again with the same effects