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Re: repeater news

i got the email too.

it irked me greatly that there was no hint of explanation or apology.  
just a message to cough up $129...

an acknowledgement that i've been waiting 2 years for the repeater i  
ordered would be nice. then i would forgive them and gladly give them  
all my money. haven't they read any world history?? as punishment, i  
suggest participation in a large group awareness seminar for their  
customer service department.

anyway, i debated NOT buying the upgrade out of irritation...but i  
want the upgrade and looks like i'll give them all my money anyway...
so, in true co-dependent fashion, i'm happy there is some improvement  
in their behavior, i want to encourage them and i tried to buy it the  
minute i got the email! have to wait til tomorrow...

i wonder if they're using this as a test to see how much interest  
there is before releasing mk2? since presumably those who buy the  
upgrade would also buy the new repeater.


On May 16, 2007, at 4:18 PM, duncan goddard wrote:

> loopers- I have been unsubscribed somehow for a few weeks. I am  
> blaming XP for this, no matter how unreasonable that seems.
> but I didn't get around to doing anything about it until today,  
> when out of the blue, I got an email from electrix.
> did anyone else hear from them? there's new software for the  
> original repeater. no mention of the mk2, but it does rather look  
> as though the new management are doing something for those of us  
> who have been waiting.
> I don't know any more about the software except that they are  
> shipping it on a cfc card for $129. there won't be a download  
> option. the website is being tweaked right now, & the details will  
> be visible tomorrow, I'm told. if you've got two or more repeaters,  
> you only need pay for one copy. I don't know how they intend to  
> police against illegal distribution......
> please note new, non-mtv email address. it doesn't mean I've quit  
> viacom, just that I've tired of wrestling with their mail policies.
> duncan.