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Re: My Conversation to MAX/MSP - Now Includes Looper

On 5/25/07, todd reynolds <toddreyn@gmail.com> wrote:

> SooperLooper, as wonderful as it has been for me has blown up on a 
>couple of
> very high profile gigs, and it's the rate shift which has been the 

Todd, I'm so sorry to hear that!

> I had to take an echoplex on my last tour to remedy the situation... 
> says that even with the new version, rate shift is no less dodgy.

Yes, I will freely admit that it shouldn't even be exposed as a
feature right now, it has somehow become so dangerous.  Doing it right
is unfortunately harder than it should be due to some internal
implementation issues, but I hate to have people turned away from it
because of that.
How about pitch scaling (shifting)?  There are a few open source
implementations that I could much more quickly incorporate than fixing
the rate scaling.  Any votes?

> however, SL has been the answer to ALL my sync needs and issues...
> internally that is...

I also plan to have it start sending out midi clock so it can be also
be the source.  No guarantees to when though, as usual...
