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Re: Drum Machine w/ Bass?

At 5:26 PM -0500 5/30/07, Jeff Shirkey wrote:
>>I've yet to hear a "bass" sample on a drum machine that I didn't think
>>was really cheap sounding.
>Actually, that is very helpful. Sounds like I shouldn't try to get 
>both drums and bass out of one box. Given the choice, I'd say drums 
>is more important to me.

Actually, there's another option: grooveboxes.  While not being drum 
machines per se, they are generally geared toward producing (at the 
very least) drum and bass tracks.  I've got a Korg EMX-1 whose sound 
is just massive.  I've heard entire Techno tracks that could have 
been (and probably were) produced with that box and nothing more.

I'm not saying that you should run out and produce a bevy of 
"oohn-tsah oohn-tsah oohn-tsah (baby)" tunes.  But if the basic sound 
is full, you might just be able to turn those tools to your own 

"I want to keep you alive so there is always the possibility of 
murder... later"