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Re: Drum Machine w/ Bass?


Take a look at the Korg Electribes for hardware.  They are on ebay all the time.  Around $200 sometimes.

For software take a look at the stuff from Bram Bos (www.brambos.com ) - Hammerhead, Tuareg, and Tunafish.  HH is a basic drum machine (Free), but you can make your own sample packs.  Tuareg and Tunafish will use any samples and have built in synths, and Tunafish adds VSTs to the mix.  good stuff.


On 5/30/07, Jeff Shirkey <jcshirke@midway.uchicago.edu> wrote:
I was wondering if someone could tell me what some of the better good
drum machines + bass are. I want something that I can put on a loop
of my Switchblade GL for rhythmic backing. If a software option is
better than some standalone hardware box, that's also an option.

Basically I am looking for rhythmic accompaniment while I play
guitar. I have an EDP already, but I need something else for drums/
bass lines.

Thanks in advance.

