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ot - spam

Just a thought - I started receiving spam direct to the address I subscribed with after joining this list - I would recommend to everyone alias services like gishpuppy.com to avoid the problem.


L.A. Angulo wrote:
ok here is one for you:
Fry a handful of big dry california red chiles and a
couple of garlic cloves in olive oil,then boil them in
hot water,then throw them in a blender with a bit of
lemon juice,add salt and blend till it turns into a
thick sauce,put it in a bowl and add some fresh
cilantro,get yourself a bag of natural mais tortilla
chips a cold beer eat drink and go turn your echoplex
Guten appetit

--- Sheila Olson <onelonecrow@earthlink.net> wrote:


Care to share your salsa recipe?

Off list if you prefer.

Take care,



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