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RE: NJ Looping Festival - Morristown, NJ

Fellow loopers and creative peoples...


As I'm home recovering from a hip/knee surgery I will chime in...


There is a great venue here in Morristown, NJ called Café Arabica.


It is centrally located to Routes 78, 287, 80, GSP, NJTPK etc. with easy access from NJ and neighboring states.


It is a "hookah bar" and a nice, art-deco inspired coffeehouse with decent food and a BYOB policy. The owner, Ali is a friend to loopers and loop-based music as every Wednesday evenings he hosts "Loop-to-Loop", which is an in-residency for musicians that use looping as one of their techniques. I don't know what he'd charge for the room, etc. but he is cool and a supporter of the arts. It's a great room to play in with decent acoustics. Open mike is on Tuesday evenings, and although I have not played there yet, my brother says he likes the sound there when he plays.


Just a thought, check it out: http://www.cafearabicanj.com




Ed in NJ


PS It's only been a week and I am anxiously awaiting when I can return to sitting at my looping rig, aka "Command Central". Right now it's the acoustic guitar for me. :)