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Re: Monte Montgomery in Portland tonight

amazing player !


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Travis Hartnett" <travishartnett@gmail.com>
To: "LD" <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 11:17 AM
Subject: OT: Monte Montgomery in Portland tonight

> There's zero looping involved, but for those of you in the Portland
> area today (July 17) who can appreciate jaw-dropping guitar playing,
> Monte Montgomery is playing at the Aladdin Theatre this evening.  I
> found out about him years ago when I lived in Austin, and I'd drag
> people to his weekly gig and offer to personally refund their cover
> charge if they didn't love it, and I've never had to do so.  I saw him
> again last night in Seattle, and he doesn't get up here but once every
> few years, and he was even better than last time.
> Unreservedly recommended.  Don't miss it.
> TravisH