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repeater = looperlative comparisons

>>The looperlative is pretty strictly one function per button so
>>there IS a lot of bank switching on the midi controller to deal with.

>no sorry, this isn't true - the LP-1 can map up to 8 commands to a
> single 
>button press


Those are "chained" functions- several things triggered by one button
press.  Only one function can be defined per midi number, but that
function can have up to 8 commands in it.    

What I'm talking about is the kind of functionality on the EDP where
the same button takes on multiple tasks depending on context.

Can you pull up a different function on a Looperlative button by doing
a "long press"?  Or have defined button x do something different if you
are currently (e.g.) in overdub?  That's what I'm talking about.  That
kind of context dependent functionality cuts down on the pedal dancing.

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