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RE: new loop

Hey Qua thanx for listening!
After i recorded that conga loop and synced it to the
EDPs inserted guitar mangled sinister loop i mailed it
to Rick since we always talked about collaborating,so
he went ahead and suprised me with those little wicked
scratch bouncing rubber band efx.and then i responded
back with those backward flute sounds and 6/8 north
african type pounding drum loop which i programmed
with my boss dr-660.is funny,i think we were totalyy
thinking of different ideas or images of the tune
which is also a great thing...we were supposed to keep
going and shortly after i formated my Pc and thought
id lost it.This has been about 3 years ago!
It wasn´t until recently that id found it on a
minidisc which i was going to sell.Funny enough Rick
didn´t even remeber it and id also forgoten it as
back up your ideas,this is why i am also puting them
up on a server i am terrible with backups!

--- "qua@oregon.com" <qua@oregon.com> wrote:

> Hi Luis
> Very nice!  btw, what can you tell us about the
> "Rick Walker special
> effects" on Voodoo Dancer?
> -Qua
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: L.A. Angulo labaloops@yahoo.com
> Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 14:38:37 -0800 (PST)
> To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: new loop 
> A little new loop idea,inspired by the california
> wilfires,is called "burning peninsula"
> http://www.luis-angulo.com/looplab.htm
> thanx for listening!
> Cheers
> Luis
> www.myspace.com/luisangulocom
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