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Re: Norwich Festival of Live Looping


 No, but I used to pluck the strings a lot. an e-bow
relies a LOT on the electromagnetic field generated in
the pickup. Piano's don't have
pickups(normally)especially magnetic. But you can bet
your bottom dollar as soon as I fire this message, I'm
going to get out my e-bow and try.

--- andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

> Stephen Goodman wrote:
> > Has anyone here E-BOWED a piano?  I've got a
> really old upright here, 
> > I'm shocked that I hadn't made this connection
> before though.  Metal 
> > wires, e-bow.  Sigh, must be stress.
> > 
> > Anyone done it?
> > 
> I've seen percussionist Gino Robair do it.
> Wasn't actually all that impressive placed against
> some of the other wonderful sounds he made.
> a good trick ( when you get inside that piano) is to
> remove
> one of the hammers and bow it along the length of
> the string.
> Amazing whale sounds, esp with the sustain ped down.
> andy butler

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