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Re: Chinapainting article

thanks we really owe you a  huge thanks Chris and we should have a 'special thanks...' in our text.  This  is  a webzine, I've submitted several revisions let me see if I can get one more...  sorry for  the oversight but thank you once again for hosting us...
On Nov 8, 2007 2:09 PM, <cpr@musetrap.com> wrote:
congrats guys! :)


Quoting Daryl Shawn <highhorse@mhorse.com>:

> There's a new article on Chinapainting up on Mel Bay's "Guitar Sessions"
> site. Included are shout-outs to LD, the Loopfest, and the 2006
> Kyberfest which brought Jim and I together, plus pix, a few videos, and
> all sorts of trivia:
> http://www.guitarsessions.com/nov07/tales.asp
> Daryl Shawn
> www.swanwelder.com
> www.chinapaintingmusic.com

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin  - http://www.jimgoodinmusic.com
MySpace (solo) - http://www.myspace.com/jimgoodinmusic
Chinapainting -
Chinapainting on My Space -
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls - http://www.woodandwiremusic.com
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - http://www.ghsstrings.com and Seagull Guitars - http://www.seagullguitars.com , Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. - http://www.melbay.com

Associates and friends on the web -
Daryl Shawn -
Adam Werner - http://www.adamwerner.com
John Stowell - http://www.johnstowell.com
Matt Richards - http://www.mattrichardsmusic.net
Michael Manring - http://www.manthing.com
Will Ackerman - http://www.williamackerman.com
New Land Music - http://www.newlandmusic.com