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Re: very special floor-based looper

Jeffrey Larson wrote:
>  > My opinion...this is totally asinine, if true, and folks
>  > should storm the Bastille to change it. :)
> Yes, on the surface this sounds like a supremely dumb design choice.
> Build a device that can only run Windows DLLs, but doesn't actually
> run Windows, so developers have yet another platform to support.  I
> hope there were good reasons for doing this, perhaps it is difficult
> to make Windows run well on hardware like this, maybe there were
> licensing issues.  I'm sure there were OS modifications they could do
> to Linux to make it more reliable that could never be done to Windows.

AFAIR from the first product, most things non-Linux was licenced stufff 
with their (part) own wrappers, that had to be paid for.
I was resently corrected WRT VST on Linux et al.., which I didn't know 
was opensourced (though on a license). At least no VST implementation 
existed back then, readily available to developers for general use.

I'll just zip it for now, else I'll get myself on too thin ice ;)

van Sinn