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computer-based, ready for prime time? Was: very special floor-based looper

Fascinating thread.  I've been planning a PC-based audio strategy since the
Intel core2 processors have become available.  Makes sense on paper. One
compute platform (hw and OS), and huge variety of audio s/w possibilities. 

But I'm finding that all the s/w choices, strategies etc make the learning
curves much higher. And s/w isn't always all that inexpensive when you
consider the 'upgrade costs'.  Hand or foot controls (midi) add another
level of complexity - vs turning a dial or punching a button on a hardware

Then there is the vulnerability of computer-based audio.  I personally have
not had any problems, but then I'm not using it as a mobile , or live , rig
yet.    There can also be plenty of buggy problems with complex hardware
rigs and cables, ground loops, etc. 

So,  are computer-based systems practical yet?   Perhaps some of each so
there is not total dependency on one or the other.

Maybe a poll on this topic would be interesting.   What do you think?   