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Re: Chinapainting article

> There is a small
> amount of delay in the process but it's easily adjusted to after a few
> minutes into your interactive session.

This delay is a musical value defined by the number of bars a NINJAM 
session is
configured for. I forget what I have the server set up for, but it can be
changed via a command in the chat window.. Anyways, how it works is this,
performer #1's computer records a bar of his playing, and sends it to 
#2, who's computer starts playing it at the begining of the next bar on
peformer #2's computer, and vice versa.. so, no one is playing the same 
bar at
the same time, but bars are always synchronized.. it also means, the
performance is heard different for each performer.. as well the actual mix 
be adjusted for each performers listening experience, and so the mix may be
different for each performer.. fun stuff.. :)


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