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Re: Streaming Audio from Norwich Loopfest

Hey there Andy,

I've been listening to your streaming tracks this morning and have really REALLY been enjoying them.

Thanks for sharing.

Looking back on it, 'twas a great disappointment that our Y2K6 cyber-jam didn't work out (neither of us could hear the other except in short brief bursts).

Someday we'll have to try it again.
tEd ® kiLLiAn

"Different is not always better, but better is always different"

Flux Aeterna: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?playListId=6378076

Also check out the BEMF 1 CDs at: http://www.boisemusicians.com/experimental/cd.htm


Ted Killian's "Flux Aeterna" is also available at: Apple iTunes,
BuyMusic, Rhapsody, MusicMatch, MusicNet, DiscLogic, Napster,
AudioLunchbox, Lindows, QTRnote, Music4Cents, Etherstream,
RuleRadio, EMEPE3, Sony Connect, CatchMusic, Puretracks,
and Viztas. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. So???

---- andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> this playlist collects all currently available audio from Norwich Loopfest
> http://www.andybutler.com/norwichfest.m3u
> 1-4 Stephen Scott
> 5-10 Matt Stevens
> 11-13 Michael Peters
> 14-16 Darkroom
> 17-19 andy butler
> andy