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RE: wheres Loop 4 gone?

**and relax**
Just heard from the wonderful Matthias and I now feel at least secure that I will one day be able to bring this echoplex up to speed.
in the mean time and wirth a slighly more calm mind I have mucked about swapping ram between the three units so there is a resonable amount of time in each unit, and with a bit of thought  can use the new unit for vocals which are the simplist element of my set up and dont need to reverse half speed etc sooooo........phew........long as the crystals arnt out of whack,  Ishould make the gig.
Thanks for the other surgestions, hehe, I am constantly tempted by a laptop set up , i know it makes sense as a back up, but i guess after all this time im just waaaay too attached to my buttons, knobs and metal boxes. but thanks anyway for the surgestion, its maybe something i should consider for a backup .
Phill MyOneManBand

From: phillwilson@hotmail.com
To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: wheres Loop 4 gone?
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 20:23:23 +0000

Im having a really annoying day!!
I have just taken recipt of my third echoplex and LO!! more echoplex woes!
It wasnt loop 4 upgraded as described in the advert and only had 12 secs of ram!!
so...I go to the Auisis site to work on fixing the problem and....UNAVAILABLE!! EEK
can someone tell me whats going on with that? I have big gigs in a few weeks and if I cant get hold of loop four for this unit im, well, stuffed basically.
sorry if this sounds ranty, panick is setting in!
Phill Wilson

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