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speaking of music!

just gave another listen to  the CT-COLLECTIVE'S "TSISHA IS NOW BANNED".....what fun!.....full of  wonderful ideas and great recording chops.....only wish i had a lyric sheet.....:).....i am in the same "boat" as kris, simplfy, ct's project "ACCUSTC" has me down to: old tape recorder mic>rang>recorder.....i find that even adding a bit of verb to the sounds seems wrong and i even question using the rang.....i am happily going  NUTZ....BTB.....for those hankering masses out there i now have MUSIC (thanks per!) up at my space (adddresss below).....KLOYBOY'S set at y2k7 and some old stuff.....please stop by, there will be an open bar till 7:00.....michael

"Don't loaf and invite inspiration. Light out after it with a club.".....JACK LONDON


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