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Re: Amp/P.A. Recommendation

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "andy butler" <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 4 December, 2007 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: Amp/P.A. Recommendation

> Per Boysen wrote:
>> I ran a search on "JBL Eon" and found this Brittish 500 W active KAM 
>> IMS15A speakers that are said to beat the JBL. Company site at 
>> http://www.kam.co.uk/. I found a Swedish dealer is selling the KAMs for 
>> half the price now, some sort of introduction campaign it seems. USD 
>> each that would translate.
> depends what you mean by "beat".
> The usual considerations are
> Could just mean they are louder.
> (and they make disco stuff, if you ever heard a uk disco that's scary)
>> I played on a Bose at the Santa Cruz loopfest last year and thought 
>> really sounded good. I played flute and sax that time and especially 
>> appreciated not having a monitor speaker at my feet. Such spot monitors 
>> are good when you play with loud rock bands but for live looping you 
>> really need to listen to the full public output to play what fits in - 
>> Bose.
> Totally agreed, for Norwich Loopfest I set up the jbls behind the 
> performers.
> ....perfect monitoring.
>> Andy - why are you wary of separate sub speakers?
> It all started with Sub Woofers, a speaker that handled sounds that full 
> range speakers couldn't reasonably reproduce. That would be in the 
> range. With those it didn't matter that they had a separate enclosure. 
> Those sounded like a lot of fun.
> Now the "sub" woofers take on the lower frequencies that would otherwise 
> be handled by the woofer in full range speaker, allowing high volumes of 
> "hit you in the chest" 50-100Hz frequencies( or higher). These "Sub" 
> woofers (really they are just woofers) use resonance to boost the 
> which makes for a slow uneven bass response.
> So the "doesn't matter where you put it" theory no longer applies.

I concur.  Many systems for the home are being marketed as 'surround 
systems' even though the satellite speakers don't pump out more than 20W 
apiece.  Ugh, I got my first 100W receiver in the 80s and never went back.

And, yes, UK discos are frigntening for their abuse of volume.  
that, back in the 70s, a DJ who had it too loud was usually derided for 
trying to compensate for something personal that was lacking.  Now?  It's 
world where turning up the BPM during a piece is somehow accepted as a 
of dramatic effect.)
