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Re: How do you chain your Effects?

*grin ... blame it all on Darrell Burgan (http://www.stillstream.com) and Andy Butler ...

~~ Dennis

On 12/11/07, Stephen Scott <stevoj@yahoo.com> wrote:
Beware.  This man uses 4 Vortexes (Vortices?) !!!!

Dennis Moser < sinsofmachaut@gmail.com> wrote:
My chain is as follows:

Guitar (Acoustic/Electric/MIDI-out) => GR-20 => GR-20 Stereo Out =>Lexicon Vortex #1 => Vortex #2 => Vortex #3 => Lexicon MP200 => Boss DD-20 GigaDelay #1 => DD-20 #2 => Vortex #4 => Mixer => PA

The loop is always wet. No, I take that back ... it's totally soaked.


On Dec 10, 2007 5:48 PM, Buzap Buzap < buzap@gmx.net> wrote:
Hi folks

since I've been discussing about effects lately: how do you actually chain your effects?

I usually do it like this:
Mic -> Mixer -> FX -> Mixer (Volume/Panning L/R) -> Looper -> PA

Rarely, I also send the Aux Outs of my RC-50 thru effects again.

Of course you could probably have a sophisticated setup like this:
Instrument -> i.e. Guitar FX pedals -> Looper -> additional FX ( i.e. KaossPad) --> on final mix some master fx (i.e. reverb)

But in general:
Where do you usually add effects?
Do you mostly loop your _dry_ or _wet_ signal?

Best regards

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