1X10, but I don't think they'll give me enough
wattage in the cottage. Folks offline are telling me the Mackies below are the
way to go, just one. The way they work is that they have a built in cross-over
and also stereo in/outs. You go from the the mains to the sub, and then split
out into your L and R mid/high speakers (two powered EVs in my case)...works
like a charm, apparently.
About the
smaller subs for each main channel... Do you have a brand name or two to
share? I’d like to research but aren’t sure where to start. I’m looking for
two, self powered and smaller than what is listed
LS ................. on 12/31/07 3:44
PM, Qua Veda wrote:
Correct, you don’t need to
go stereo since the ‘separation’ at the sub 100hz frequencies is minimal or
non-existant. However, systems with a sub for each main channel can be
smaller and very effective. – but probably net out to be more
expensive. Happy new
year! -Qua
From: Krispen Hartung [mailto:khartung@cableone.net]
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 2:57 PM To:
Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com Subject: OT: Powered
I'm going to buy a powered sub very soon. I
narroweed it down to the following (below). Any experiences with these? I
don't need to go stereo with a sub, right?
Powered Sub
ElectroVoice SBA760 Powered Sub - $1100 http://www.wirelesshut.com/0/10413983.html
SWA1501 - $980 http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SWA1501
- $1000 http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PRX518S/
Hartung http://www.krispenhartung.com info@krispenhartung.com
