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RE: ZVEX LoFi Looper

At 1:19 AM +0000 1/4/08, max valentino wrote:
>FWIW..in solo performances I do play quite a bit of chordal 
>passgaes..as well as playing high on the bass neck (would that still 
>be too low to the zvex modul. to make any notable warbles?)

Well, up in that range on a Bass you are going to hear a bit of 
something.  However, the big question is, will it be enough to 
satisfy you?

It wasn't enough for me, so I merely decided to dedicate my Loop 
Junky to different instruments.  But I was really looking for an 
effect that's similar to what you hear/see during the "doubling 
notes" section on Zvex's demonstration video (I'm betting you 
probably already know the video to which I'm referring).  Notice that 
Zach is demonstrating above the 12th fret of a guitar there.  So to 
get that level of effect, you'd need to play in such a tonal range or 
above, it seems.

Like I said, you'll hear a bit of that effect when you're doing Bass 
chords and lines high on the neck.  I'd merely try it before buying 
to make sure it gives you enough warbley-warp to satisfy you.

"take one step outside yourself. the whole path lasts no longer than 
one step..."