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Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup

Actually, for me, the simplest set up is one I'm going to try at an upcoming art gallery gig that's supposed to be acoustic.  I'll be playing an acoustic 12 string baritone guitar into a RC50 with 2 powered computer speakers off the RC50.  The idea, which is working out pretty well in practice anyway, is to have the speakers under and towards the back of my chair (I play seated) and have the volume equal to or slightly less than the guitar - that way it'll be real acoustic over amplified looped acoustic.  Should work out fine unless crowd chatter buries the sound, though it's a small room and shouldn't attract a static gathering - more "browsers".

On Jan 11, 2008, at 7:47 PM, Paul Mimlitsch wrote:

RC50 - amp

I win - RC50 is simpler than the EDP ;-).

On Jan 11, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Raul Bonell wrote:


i win!!



2008/1/12, max valentino <ekstasis1@hotmail.com>:

Well... my previous post was pretty simple.  But, how abou this:
Zvex LoFi, Demeter Tube Direct Box......that's it.

I am actually planning on using this rig for a solo bit I am to do at an art gallery next week.
Lemme see....no amp, two little bitty pieces of gear and one bass....
...load in/out will be a pleasure!


>> This makes me wonder...who does have the most simple looping setup?
> Possible metrics for that:
> * least number of devices
> * least size/weight
> * most simple with regard to processing possibilities
> Instruments do not count, amps count. Ah, and it has to have a looper in it!
> I make the first submission:
> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
> Rainer

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