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Re: Electrix at NAMM??

At 09:18 PM 1/23/2008, Mech wrote:
>Similarly, did anybody at NAMM catch any news from Mike & Leigh @ 
>Boomerang on the new 'Rang III?  The website keeps pushing out the date 
>one month at a time.  :P

No, they did not have a booth. Boomerang has not been at the NAMM show for 
years. I believe Mike once posted many years ago that the sales they got 
from the show were not worth the cost of the booth/traveling for the years 
they did go, so they stopped going.

I must say, I almost fell over laughing when I walked up to the Electrix 
booth and found it totally empty. Even more fitting than the year I went 
their booth and found it occupied by BodyGlove.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com