This is great! I had a similar panic when I was working on my ‘Collectives’
project, because every one was hand-made- you can read some about that project
What is not the same is that, as much as I would like to think
so, no one paid me money yet, and I hadn’t promised something I couldn’t
deliver. With Electrix, they were taking people’s money- and it was a
lot. Not answering people’s email’s and calls is huge…When I
was looking at one of the few makers of 5-pin midi guitars back in the late 90s,
a company lost my order because when they finally answered my email, it said ‘I
am sorry. Our company doesn’t have the resources to answer emails’.
Wow. dave eichenberger Subject: RE: lease dates (was Electrix) >>6 discs? you rebel...way to improvise! |