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Re: A Possible new solution in my mind?

Yep, you can get a digest.

 From the list page:

To subscribe (to the digest), send mail with the word "subscribe" in  
both the subject and body, and no sig files or anything else, to:


You would then want to unsubscribe from the normal list, so send  
"unsubscribe" to:


Daryl Shawn

> Now people I greatly appreciate this loopy community and Im   
> obviously not trying to get thrown off
> the loopers list.  But I must say at first several years ago the   
> emails were way over the top
> overwhelming but I got used to it.  I still get dozens a day but it   
> has been a lot more
> manageable.  I want to continue to learn as well as contribute from   
> time to time.  Is there anyway
> we could get like a daily digest ability that shows all the posts on  
>  one page that comes on one
> email?