Hello Luis, As a fan of your music, it's great to hear someone wants to use a track of yours as a soundtrack. Thought Travis H's response was very appropriate -- lots of producers want something for nothing. Very difficult to know their finances... Hearing a contradiction tho'... if the producer wants "to use it but also wants to send you a release contract, worded I'm sure, extremely in his or her favor. Is it worth it or acceptable to you (if OK w/ publisher) to send this song out totally free, in hopes of further publicizing your music or CD's? Is it worth it just to have an assured credit (is it a subject or cause you support)? Can you write in a trade for services, promotions or something in return? Does the publisher have a legal dept. that can guide you? From what I can tell, you have a generous spirit. You may hope that the giving of your track is repaid in some manner... OR not care if it isn't. I would want, at the least, an "enforcement" wording, about meaningful penalties if credits are not displayed, with each and every showing/ screening/ internet streaming of the work. At least cause the producer to credit you if the music is freely given. Very curious about outcome -- hope many LD'ers will share their thoughts as well. Cheers -- Scott Duncan myspace.com/scottduncanvideo On Feb 12, 2008, at 10:10 AM, L.A. Angulo wrote: