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Re: film music rights,icensing etc.(OT).

Stefan very true thanx!

--- Stefan Tiedje <Stefan-Tiedje@addcom.de> wrote:

> L.A. Angulo schrieb:
> > Last but not least all of my songwritting is
> > registered with the GEMA here in germany which is
> like
> > ASCAP or BMI.
> If you give the permission to use it from your
> production/label side of 
> view, this will still make them pay royalties to the
> Gema. The Gema 
> won't let you give it away for free anyway. You will
> get Gema royalties 
> even if they don't pay anything more for each
> festival they show it...
> That's why the credits are essential. The Gema will
> only know by the 
> credits that you composed the music...
> If the musicians are in the GVL for example their
> rights are covered by 
> that as well. (I don't know the US equivalent for
> the GVL, but they are 
> the Gema for performers)
> And in general there is a difference between "tight
> budget" and 
> "expected profit" They will always talk about a
> tight budget, which 
> might be completely true. But that would only be an
> argument for the 
> date when they might be able to pay a fair share of
> the real profit, 
> whatever that might be. That has to be discussed. If
> there is not will 
> to share they shouldn't expect you to share. That's
> very easy to 
> explain, and also hard for a human to reject that
> logic...
> Stefan
> -- 
> Stefan Tiedje------------x-------
> --_____-----------|--------------
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> -- _|_)----|-----()--------------
> ----------()--------www.ccmix.com


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