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Re: Robert Rich article

Not to pick on you personally, but I'm assuming you make "good" music and that you're "getting out there".  While I'm guessing you don't have the 1000TF, I'm wondering how many you (and anyone else out there who cares to share) do have and how many years it took to acquire them.  

I mean, unless we're assuming that we're all going to live a thousand years or something, people are usually only "getting out there" for ten or twenty years before the demands of life severely curtail active public musical activity.  It's one thing to get 1000TF if you've already been part of the first division of the music industry, another thing if you're starting off at ground zero as an unknown quantity.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Daryl Shawn <highhorse@mhorse.com> wrote:
Heh...emphasis on "goal". I don't necessarily mean it's practical to bet on it, but "foreseeable" in that it's a figure that one can comprehend, and aim for.

I'm not there yet... :-P
Is that so?  I'd be interested in hearing how many *True Fans* people have, and what their yearly growth rate is for this valuable commodity.  

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:15 AM, Daryl Shawn <highhorse@mhorse.com <mailto:highhorse@mhorse.com>> wrote:

   1000 fans is a foreseeable goal, over years of course, for anyone
   who's making good music and getting out there.