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my loss == your gain (tons of gear very cheap or free)

[bcc:ed to Wind controller list because of rare WT-11 unit and I suppose TX81Z, to looper's delight because of various units... /t]

I have too many things -- time to get rid of them as cheaply as I can -- lots of musical and computer stuff plus cheap Metrocards (if you live in New York City)....

Most strongly partial towards cash or check in New York City;  will treat you to a gourmet lunch free if you pick up from me at midtown.

Make me an offer, no offer too demeaning for this sale, I have no shame.  All items 100% guaranteed by me, no questions asked.

   **** Offers as low as one drink accepted.  Give this stuff a good home.  ****


  I have been working from home a lot and have not been using my transit cards that are autopurchased;  will sell weekly, monthly or fixed price for $0.95 on the dollar or less for worthy individuals.


3x500G external Firewire/USB combo drives:       http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822204042
  almost-brand-new, burned in, fast, comes with power supply and will throw in either USB or Firewire cable. 
  No fan, metal case (quiet).   Cost me $130+ each, yours for....?!

numerous IDE internal drives (80 gig to 250gig+?):
  at least half a dozen, make me an offer no matter how low.

PCI to Firewire IEEE 1394 3x1 Ports Host Adaptor
  never opened.  ask me for more info.  would give it to you for a smile and a kind word.

Home audio:

lovely Boltz 1200 CD rack (holds other stuff too):  http://www.boltz.com/productinfo.asp?item=9&deptcode1=500
  mint condition -- WILL NOT DELIVER -- FOB Williamsburg -- worth $400, will accept much lower...

Sony 200 CD changer w/remote

Sony 400 CD changer w/remote
  Works, sometimes gets into a mode where it skips.  Has the most amazing remote.

Musical audio:

Eventide Time Factor guitar delay pedal:
  almost-brand-new, original manual, one dial slightly "sticky" (from factory), latest upgrades, cost me $400, make me an offer!

Line 6 Echo Pro:
  fantastic looper/delay, barely used, original manual, some bozo is attempting to sell one for $700 on ebay, make me a much much smaller offer.

Boss RC-50 triple looper:
  never really used, dusty, original carton+manual, $500 new, make me an offer.

Electribe EA-1 analog modelling synthesizer:
  w/manual, used in good condition.

Boss SP-202:
  used, one knob missing (but totally usable without it), memory card, probably have manual.

Yamaha QY-70 pocket sequencer:
  good condition, probably have manual.

Marantz PSD300 CD recorderhttp://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/PSD300P/
  w/built-in mic, variable speed playback, original boxes, manual, great for interviews or gigs, slightly improved PSD300P is $800... but make me an offer.

Generic Sony MD recorder/player, also matching pocket MD player
  perfect condition, used <20x over 5 years for theatre only, recorder is rack mount size (no ears)

Next!  CDS-5000 dual CD player+remote control unit (this "remote" is a full rackmount)
   No manual, no understanding of this unit at all, never even turned it on.  Some DJ might enjoy this.

JL Cooper MIDI 8x8 MIDI patcher:
  perfect condition EXCEPT one of the navigation keys sometimes emits two keys instead of one (never causes a delete or errors but makes it unsuitable for fast changes live).

Opcode Studio 5 LX

  best MIDI patcher (15x16) ever created if you still have a serial port Mac.

Tascam DA-88:
  including various options 8 track 16-bit digital tape recorder (the classic) (will throw in various cables and the manuals).

Yamaha WT-11 Tone Generator:

  small unit, compatible with TX81Z
  great for electronic wind instruments

Yamaha TX81Z:
  the classic four operating FM synth
  contains various hand-made wind instrument patches

M-Audio Oxygen 8: 
  dusty, knob 8 only goes to 100, dusty, otherwise fine.

lots of MIDI cables (free with any purchase)

blank DATs/backup tapes (free with any purchase, no guarantees at all)
