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Re: Looping Beginner Seeks Help

  sPaCe mOnKeY wrote:
>> If that's the case, if I use Mobius in Ableton Live to loop an entire 
>> structure, how do I switch from pre-chorus to chorus, chorus to bridge,
>> etc.? Is it just a matter of muting and unmuting certain loops?

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> 
> in Mobius you can switch from one loop to another.
> In Ableton I guess you need to do mute/unmute, I'm not sure
> how easy that is to do with live button pressing, a lot
> of Ableton users set their songs up so that the muting is
> automatic.

It seems the most widely technique with Live is to use a foot pedal to
step up and down the scenes (thus selecting all horizontal slots of
the same number in all vertical tracks). Then you have some other
pedal for record enabling tracks, and then all empty slots in any
track on the new scene starts recording as you get there.

Another way would be to bind MIDI pedal buttons directly to certain
slots, but this means you need A HUGE pedal board with hundreds of
pedal buttons... ;-)

Great that Andy posted that you can record different loops by
different lengths in Mobius and thus have them run at different tempi
- I forgot to tell that in my two earlier posts. I used to keep Mobius
set up that way back in the days when I war running the Mobius
standalone version and slaving external processing gear by MIDI Clock.
It was cool to feel all the beat synced stuff slow down or speed up as
you went "Next/Previous Loop" in Mobius.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
www.looproom.com (international)