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Re: No Laptops, No Conspiracies, JUST LOOPING

Dennis echo'ing Daryl's works thank you for posting the aural from a wonderful evening and thanks for assisting in putting the 5 Knaves together.  More folks attending would have been nice but a friend who I was relating the show to yesterday commented that sometimes it's more favorable to be performing for a few instead of a mass as that way you're more connected and engaged and the hearing experience is so much more personal for the audience.
It was so good to share the evening with you, Rob and Tim, connect names/faces from all of our electronic worlds and it was indeed almost an "east coast fest..." or hell let's just call it that instead of this continual dance about we ought to get an East Coast looping fest together one day or at least it was a "mini" version. 
I'll post our Chinapainting set soon as well as some video from this show and with our shows this tour, in Brooklyn and NYC.  It was so great to bring the chinapainting live experience together again for this series of shows.
best to all

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Raul Bonell <raul.bonell@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks for posting Dennis ...
I just have time for listening music by members of this community. Using the weekends to update if I'm late ;-)


2008/8/4 Dennis Moser <sinsofmachaut@gmail.com>

Daryl and everyone,

I'm slowly adding more ... please feel free to check it out. I got a note from Randy (Winchester, of The Nave) and he is trying to do some post-production to clean up the noise from the circulating fans, so what you are hearing is the "straight to disc" originals, stepped down to 128K MP3s...

And Zoƫ? I'll be posting my FOUR hour session from New York shortly (*GRIN!) ... just for you! Bicoastal Looping Marathons! YEA!



On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:02 AM, Daryl Shawn <highhorse@mhorse.com> wrote:
thanks for posting, Dennis! We'll be getting our own set up online sometime soon. A lot of beautiful music happened in that fantastic old building last night. An East Coast loop festival it almost was...! There needs to be another..!

Daryl Shawn

Okay ... it was a rainy night in an old church in Somerville (Boston) and the fans made a lot of noise (no air conditioning), but here are two files from the performance on Saturday night, featuring Chinapainting (Daryl and Jim), Tim Nelson, myself and the only non-looper in the bunch, Rob Byrd. If you weren't there, you missed out on an amazing evening.

The Playing Orchestra: http://www.telefonica.net/web2/tpo
Chain Tape Collective: http://www.ct-collective.com
TPO at myspace: http://www.myspace.com/theplayingorchestra
TPO at Jamendo: http://www.jamendo.com

The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin - http://www.jimgoodinmusic.com
MySpace (solo) - http://www.myspace.com/jimgoodinmusic
Chinapainting -
Chinapainting on My Space -
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls - http://www.woodandwiremusic.com
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - http://www.ghsstrings.com and Seagull Guitars - http://www.seagullguitars.com, Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. - http://www.melbay.com