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Frostwave spaceBEAM is a theremin type instrument, using the
reflection of an infra-red beam from the operator's hand.
This results in a much more stable and reliable behaviour. When you place your hand above the Spacebeam it's infra red light is reflected back, generating an audio tone that changes pitch as you move your hand up and down. |
Controls... 'Volume' sets the audio output level. 'Wave' adjusts the tone of the note. 'Glide' adds a smoothing to the control, so that changes in pitch are not so rapid. changes the sensitivity of the unit. 'CV and Gate' The spaceBEAM can be used to control a monosynth with 'Range' a CV and gate input, such as a Roland SH-101. |
During the 60's and 70's, bands such as The Beach Boys and Led Zeppelin
brought the theremin into the public eye for a short time. Then, the
theremin slipped back into obscurity until the recent revival of the
1990s. Today, lots of bands use theremins, The Beastie Boys, The Avalanches, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Air, Badly Drawn Boy, Ben Fold's Five, Black Eyed Peas, Blur, Cibo Matto, Cobra Verde, Cornelius... the list goes on.... |
![]() click here to read how the Avalanches use Frostwave Gear live.... |
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The spooky sound of the theremin was used in several movie soundtracks during the 1950's and 1960's. It provided background mood music for such sci-fi classics as The Day the Earth Stood Still and It Came From Outer Space, as well as thrillers such as Spellbound and The Lost Weekend. |
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spaceBEAM can be used to control a monosynth with a CV and
gate input, such as a Roland SH-101. The CV output can also be used to control effect units having a CV input, such as the Frostwave Blue Ringer ring modulator, or the Frostwave Resonator filter unit + Click here to view a video demonstration of the Spacebeam controlling a Frostwave Resonator |
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In a traditional theremin, the volume is controlled by the left hand. In the case of the spaceBEAM, you can control the volume by running the audio into a potentiometer type volume control footpedal. |
i received in the mail the frostwave spacebeam. a theremin-type effect
that uses infra-red instead of an antenna. this thing is amazing. first, its an instrument by itself. with an easy to use set-up.
you have the wave knob, which controls the wave pattern and the volume
knob, which controls the output volume. it also includes two switches.
glide switch, which changes of the tones sound(it can be smooth sounding or broken down sounding.
and the range switch, which changes the pitch and range of the tones.
yo can also run it thru a mixer which has a effects loop. plug it in
there and you can manipulate your noise with the spacebeam. as for sound. it has a great palate of tones.
you can do great big dives or get really low rumbles out of this thing.
and if you run it thru different effects you can create some really
interesting stuff. i highly recommend this to anyone who's looking for those kinds of pedals that are in a league of their own. Matt, Billings MT USA, Read other reviews from www.harshnoise.com |