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Re: thanks to rick-bill walker and this group

Thanks Erdem for the kind words, and I must say,  that I’m usually the last guy who praises Rick for all of the effort he puts in to this community and The Santa Cruz Loopfest, even though I have probably benefited from his generosity and support more than most. I play very little part in the Loopfest other than what little I do at the time of the event, be that supply gear, provide lodging and some airport shuttle , and occasionally put out a fire or provide technical support. The one year I actually produced one of the shows, it was at the Henry Miller library in Big Sur  and  there were more performers than  audience members. It was great fun all the same but I realized it take a tremendous amount of time and energy to promote an event , and I appreciate the commitment Rick brings to it. What little I do pales in comparison to what Rick does every year to make the Y2K fest happen.
