If you want a good read on this topic - and learn more than you might want to know about compressors, EQ etc, read Bob Katz' book Mastering Audio. It's great reading and he lays into the topic with full, irrefutable force. It's a really great book and I learned a lot reading it. Quite often CDs are compressed for listening in cars. Then it goes out over the radio and is compressed again. I can't listen to much music on radio anymore - sometimes it just sounds SO AWFUL - even crackly and thin. But I think that's why the record we did last year got so much airplay - because it wasn't compressed to death. Then when it played on the radio (and got compressed) it got all these great comments about the fidelity etc. That was mastered by Gavin Lurssen. And he's really great! R richard sales On Jan 8, 2009, at 4:03 PM, Matthew F. McCabe wrote: