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Re: What does it mean to you, to "release a record"?

I'm also a big fan of getting actual album artwork (CD's are better than mp3's, but not as good as LP's!), as well as getting quality music files instead of 128 mp3's.  I remember purchasing Radiohead's latest, and decided to donate 15$ Canadian to their idea, but ended up getting burned with mp3's that were quite poor.  My own mistake I suppose.

However, I've recently learned of an interesting idea, and I'm thinking of implementing it on my next album.  Make the mp3's available through iTunes, CDbaby etc, but then get the album REMIXED into Dolby 5.1.  That way, the person buying the actual album will be getting something really different and far superior to the mp3, hopefully meaning that they'll be more likely to purchase the physical album. 

I'm aware of the fact that most albums are being downloaded and singles are getting the most digital play, but I'm trying to find as many different ideas to throw into a physical package (my album will be a CD/DVD double disc with the packaging folding out into a house), in the hopes that it will not only create a truly distinguishable album, but that it will help me to sell the physical copies of the uniquely packaged album instead of having boxes upon boxes in my basement while instead making $.70 cents per download of a single.

Jean-Paul De Roover