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Re: loopers hard talk questions and answers

MY Answers...

1. Why loop when you can have a duo a trio or a band?is it due to economics?

Er.. no, not according to my wife... I have had to buy much more gear in regards to my looping stup than I ever did in a band. 
2.do you really need all that equipment to play solo?ive seen solo players who can entertain us without all of that

If you wanna play acoustic guitar and sit around a fire... no, but Ive never done that, heck I dont know ONE cover version... Ive always done electronic / experimental music, and often it comes from the gear... not my fingers...

3.nice but to my ears it sounds lifeless and monotonus

I dont think thats true, but I LIKE the monotony and the repetition... it IS part of what I do, along with Techno, Drone, Raga, Kraut Rock, many forms of music use monotony.

4.why would i pay to see somebody just making noise? my kid could do that

An MY kid can paint like Mark Rothko or Jackson Pollock... Art / Music is NOT about skill or technique, its about Ideas and Execution. If you kid actuallly does it... great!!! If COULD do it but doesnt, then...

5.looping seems to me made for self indulged people that arent able to deal with other humans and are incompetent to play the instrument properly without all that equipment
Yes, and could be... again.. irrelavant see point 4. Its NOT about skill.

6. nice but dont you think a Band is still better?
A band is NOT better at looping music... multiple musicians could be better, and solo musicians also...

7.so whats the difference between sampling and looping and sequencing?

Sampling is doing a recording beforehand, saving it, and playing it back live, via a sequencer. looping is recording it live, and playing it back live, using the recording immediatly without saving it...

8.what so special about recording different instruments in front of us? a band is better because it has more energy and you can speed up ,slow down and bring dynamics together

Yes.. I hate that kind of instrument swapping looping... its just looper demo-ing... Building up a conventional song using looping is just an exercise... we all do it a bit, but hopfully its to take those bits somewhere else than just a song.

9.nice but it sounds too perfect
Er... no... I wish...

10.why do most loopers play alone?

Many different reasons, some technology related... synching to each other is tricky, but possible, but usually its because of the same reasons that its hard to make a regular band... just finding like minded musicians!!!

