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Fwd: loopers hard talk questions and answers


Matt Stevens

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 4 February 2009 13:33:00 GMT
Subject: Re: loopers hard talk questions and answers

Matt Stevens

On 4 Feb 2009, at 02:26, L.Angulo wrote:

with all the latest contraversy and loopers comparisons to bands id like to prepare to answer hard questions and quotes from audiences or non musicans who havent really understood and mistaken this artform with self indulgement,egocentrism,incompetence and the negative rap that looping is starting too get lately as it moves more into the mainstream.
Ths might sound provocative a bit but it could help us all to prepare audiences with better explanations and answer the questions in a more logical maner so when they walk out they still arent lost;-)
So ill start with a few on top of my head, please pitch into the bucket with more questions and off course answers!

1. Why loop when you can have a duo a trio or a band?is it due to economics?

Economics and its far easier - also there are some things you can do with loops your can't do unless you have 16 guitar players.

2.do you really need all that equipment to play solo?ive seen solo players who can entertain us without all of that

3.nice but to my ears it sounds lifeless and monotonus

I try to cary the songs/sounds as much as possible
4.why would i pay to see somebody just making noise? my kid could do that

cool lets get your kid looping
5.looping seems to me made for self indulged people that arent able to deal with other humans and are incompetent to play the instrument properly without all that equipment

LOL yup
6. nice but dont you think a Band is still better?

Depends on the context.  I still miss the eye contact things with the other band members and you loose alot visually.  However you don't have to spend 6 hours trying to teach a drummer to play in 15/8.

7.so whats the difference between sampling and looping and sequencing?

Looping is like someone making a record in front of you
8.what so special about recording different instruments in front of us? a band is better because it has more energy and you can speed up ,slow down and bring dynamics together

Becasue we would need 16 copies of me who can improvise like me(not to say 16 other people couldn't do it much better).

9.nice but it sounds too perfect 

Not my stuff
10.why do most loopers play alone?

